The Tie Blanket Project


Created with Love and Compassion


Every twin received this note with their blanket.

After attending a support group meeting for twins whose twin had passed away and then ultimately hosting one, I found myself wanting the participants to feel like they could do more than just share their story. By participating in creating something for another twin, whose twin had also passed away, they could help facilitate healing for another twin just like them. 

Tie blankets are SUPER easy to create with just a pair of sharp scissors! No sewing required! It was a perfect craft that we could all fill with love!

Twinful Twin Tasha and Lisa Watson working their tie blanket magic.

Tasha and Lisa working their tie blanket magic in their matching PJ bottoms.

Six blankets were created at our first tie blanket gathering. Everyone really enjoyed the experience and stated they were looking forward to the next gathering where they could make more! The first few blankets were distributed. Those twins shared how grateful they were for the gift of a tie blanket on the support group Facebook page and suddenly requests came flooding in! Volunteers all over the nation not only donated tie blanket kits but also their time to make the blankets!


Taking advantage of the holiday sale. Over 100 kits were purchased at one time!

Our 47 “Hands that Tie” Twin Volunteers have since completed over 500 blankets that have been sent to 17 different countries over the past two years. As we wind down Phase 2 of the project to give all of our volunteers a chance to catch up on outstanding requests, we plan to launch Phase 3 in 2025.

Yes, we will be taking an entire year off!

We look forward to receiving your request at that time!

A Note of Gratitude

We would like to say a special thank you to Amanda Koplin of Koplin Consulting for donating $10,000 to this project. This Twin’s generosity covered the cost of 250 blankets!

We would also like to say a special thank you to Aimee Lassere Vidrine, a fellow Twin Loss Twin, for her generous contribution of over 50 tie blanket kits!

Download a sample chapter and audio sample of my NEW
Turning Twin Loss into Living Twinfully